Female Caucasian skin was used. The female was 32 years old. % Penetrated was calculated from adding together the amount found in the receptor fluid to the amount found in the skin digest at the end of the experiment. The skin was washed with an aqueous radiac soap solution at 24 hours and immediately after that there was an increase in absorption. Further experimental detail was gained from Ref. No 90. Maximum flux was 0.02 mcrg/cm2/h. There was no steady state. They do a methanol wash at 48 hours which they take to be the amount found in the stratum corneum. This yielded 13.5%. I have not included it as I don't feel that there is enough evidence that this is in fact just the chemical bound to the stratum corneum. For example they don't do another radiac soap wash to remove any chemical that may have sloughed off over the 24h period. |