External Examiners System

External Examiners

This system allows the University to maintain an up to date record of external examiner appointments and reports. It also incorporates a facility for examiners to submit reports and expenses online.

For enquiries or help regarding using the system, examiner appointments or reports please contact ext.examiners@ncl.ac.uk

For enquiries or help regarding expenses and fees contact exams@ncl.ac.uk


Newcastle University users log in here:

Newcastle Login Gateway


External Examiners - PLEASE READ:

Please note that the system has been updated in line with recent best practice to use more secure passwords and encryption methods. As a result you may need to set a new password.
If you are a new external examiner, and are logging into the system for the first time, please set a password according to the instructions provided below.
If you are an existing external examiner, from 3rd February 2025 your previous password will no longer work and you will need to reset your password when accessing the database. Once a new password is set, it will remain valid for the entirety of your term with us. A password reset can always be requested should there be a need (e.g. forgotten password).

External examiners: please login with your own institution’s email address below:
